Physiotherapy exercises for hip pain

Physiotherapy Exercises for Hip Pain

Sometimes, we don’t have pain in our body due to an underlying disease. Instead, it can be due to our lifestyle such as obesity and sedentary lifestyle.  Also, sitting in an awkward and incorrect posture during office hours can be one of the reasons behind this pain. 

It is most common in women aged 40–60 years and is mainly caused by injury or overuse. Lateral hip pain is the broad term that describes the pain felt on the outer areas around the hip.

Pain begins suddenly sometimes or develops gradually over time. Many people experience hip pain during the night hours. Due to this, people constantly try to find solutions for their hip pain problems by visiting the doctors or going for surgeries.

But the best-recommended solution is to have physiotherapy for hip pain. Physicians suggest various physiotherapy exercises to cure pains and aches in the body. It can be excellent at quelling hip pain. 

Physical therapy is immensely beneficial for each body part whether it is shoulder pain, knee pain, or pelvic pain.

What are the causes & symptoms of hip pain?

Hip pain is caused due to a variety of conditions while affecting the hip joint, connected muscles, or tissues. This article will explain not only the hip pain causes but its various symptoms as well.

Causes for Hip Pain:


  • Greater trochanteric pain syndrome

The muscles around the hips are known as the gluteal muscles. Due to the poor strength in those muscles, the front area of the hip overcompensates to support the rest of the joint.

This causes the tendons attached to the gluteal muscles of the hip and pelvis to squeeze. Thus, this leads to hip pain and is known as Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS). This causes hip pain at night.

  • Tendinopathy

Tendinopathy is the disease of the tendons. Tendons in the hip can become inflamed. This happens when the tendons get overloaded without having time to recover. This causes hip pain at night.

Sometimes hip pain from sitting with legs crossed, or standing with all the weight on one hip can worsen the situation. Such conditions can also cause tendinopathy and hip pain.

  • Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is referred to the soreness of the hip. This stiffness in the hip can make everyday tasks difficult and painful. Hip pain can move around to the buttocks and travel down the leg, affecting the mobility of the body.

  • Exercise-related causes

Strenuous exercises like soccer, running, or dancing can increase the risk of hip pain. This happens due to certain conditions, like bursitis, tendinopathy, injury in the iliotibial band.

A sudden change in the frequency of exercise also triggers injury or pain in the hip.

Symptoms for the Hip Pain:  

Hip joint pain can be a cause of disability and can vary from mild to severe over time. Therefore, it is better to be aware of the symptoms of hip joint pain:

  • limping
  • joint pain
  • groin pain
  • loss of motion of the hip
  • warmth
  • swelling over the hip
  • tenderness of the hip
  • difficulty sleeping on the hip.

Which Physiotherapy exercises can cure hip pain?

Flexibility and strengthening exercises are key to relieve hip pain. Although these exercises may result in temporary discomfort at first. Then at a slow and steady pace, you can begin with the following physiotherapy exercises for hip joint pain.  

     1. Knee lift

There are various ways to perform knee lift physiotherapy exercise but the correct way to perform this:

  • Lying on the back while extending both the legs flat along the floor.
  • Keep the left leg straight and pull the right knee up toward your chest.
  • Place both your hands on top of the knee to help pull it in toward your chest.
  • Now hold this stretch at least for 10 seconds.
  • Let go of the knee and gently lower your leg back towards the floor.

Do this exercise repetitively 5–10 times on your left and right knee.

     2. External hip rotation

Following steps has to be followed to perform this hip pain physiotherapy exercise for external hip rotations:

  • First sit on the floor keeping both the legs out in front.
  • Now bend the legs at the knees and press the soles of the feet together.
  • Then place your hand on top of each knee and gently push them both down towards the floor. 
  • Constantly apply the pressure to the knees until there is a good stretch. But do not push them further as you can overstretch. 
  • Now hold this stretch for 20 seconds minimum and then relax.

You have to repeat this stretch at least for 5–10 times.

     3. Double hip rotation

Follow these steps to perform double hip rotation exercise:

  • First lie flat on your back. Then, bend your knees and bring them towards the body until the feet lie flat on the floor.
  • Then gently rotate the knees to the left side by lowering them toward the floor. After doing this, rotate your head to face the right side while keeping your shoulders against the floor.
  • Now hold this position for at least 20–30 seconds.
  • Gently and slowly return both the head and knees back to the beginning position.
  • Do this exercise repeatedly on the opposite side.

   4. Hip and lower back stretch

Follow certain instructions to perform hip and lower back stretches:

  • Lying flat on the back and bend your knees by bringing them toward your body until the feet lie flat on the floor.
  • Pull both your knees in toward the chest with the help of your hands.
  • Then breathe deeply by pulling the knees closer to the shoulders with each exhalation.
  • Go as far as it is comfortable. Then hold the position at that particular point for at least 20–30 seconds and breathe normally. 


If any of these above-mentioned exercises cause you intense pain in your hip joint then it is advised to stop doing it. Do many people ask how to relieve hip pain?

The only answer to their question is Proremedy physiotherapy in Mississauga, Canada. We have a team of trained and certified therapists who are equipped with immense years of experience in physiotherapy.
We will not suggest solutions to your physical issues straightaway just by listening to your problems. Instead, we will go through your medical history and inspect your body first.

After diving deep into the details, we will advise you some exercises that will help you to relieve your hip joint pain. To book an appointment with us, visit our website.

Moreover, individuals who have recently undergone a hip replacement should consult their doctor first before trying these above-mentioned exercises.

Picture of Physiotherapist Arpan Hundal

Physiotherapist Arpan Hundal

Arpan has been practicing as a physiotherapist since 2010, starting her career in a trauma center in India where she worked with post-traumatic and post-operative cases. She moved to Canada and continued her independent practice, specializing in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic issues, sports injuries, and pelvic health physiotherapy. She has experience dealing with MVA and WSIB clients and has been working in the Mississauga community since 2015.

Picture of Physiotherapist Arpan Hundal

Physiotherapist Arpan Hundal

Arpan has been practicing as a physiotherapist since 2010, starting her career in a trauma center in India where she worked with post-traumatic and post-operative cases. She moved to Canada and continued her independent practice, specializing in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic issues, sports injuries, and pelvic health physiotherapy. She has experience dealing with MVA and WSIB clients and has been working in the Mississauga community since 2015.