Chiropractic Care For Back Pain:

The term chiropractic is a combination of two Greek words. The first word is “Chiro”, which means “hand”, and the second word is “Praktos”, which means “to treat”. Chiropractic is the science of moving the bones in your body to correct the misalignment of your spine. Chiropractic care is the use of hands-on techniques to adjust the spine and extremities. Chiropractic is sometimes called “adjustive” chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is the most common type of chiropractic care and is often recommended for back pain.  

Benefits of Chiropractic Care: 

There are several benefits to chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for many different types of back pain.  

1. Eases Lower Back Pain: 

Lower back pain is the most common type of back pain. It is a condition in which your lower back area hurts. It is also called “lumbago”. Lower back pain can be caused by several different conditions. The most common cause of lower back pain is a condition called “spinal misalignment”. Spinal misalignment is the most common cause of lower back pain. It is a condition in which your spine is not properly aligned. It is sometimes called “subluxation”. Chiropractic care helps to reduce spinal misalignment and is very effective for spinal pain or back pain.  

2. Helps to Reduce Upper Back Pain:   

Upper back pain is a condition in which your upper back area hurts. It is also called “cervicalgia”. Upper back pain can be caused by several different conditions. The most common cause of upper back pain is a condition called “cervical misalignment”. Cervical misalignment is the most common cause of upper back pain. It is a condition in which your neck is not properly aligned. It is sometimes called subluxation. Chiropractic care is an effective remedy for upper back pain as it releases pain from the spine and increases elasticity.                                                                                                                          

3.  Reduces Inflammation: 

Inflammation is the body’s natural way of healing itself. When you have an injury, the body starts to heal the injury. It is a natural healing process. However, if the injury is too severe, the body may not be able to heal itself. This can lead to pain. Pain is a natural warning sign that something is wrong with your body. It is a signal that your body is trying to tell you something is wrong. However, if you ignore the pain, it can cause more damage to your body. 

Spine Care Chiropractic: 

Spine care chiropractic is a specific type of chiropractic care. It is the use of hands-on techniques to adjust the spine and extremities. Chiropractic care is the most common type of chiropractic care and is often recommended for back pain.  Chiropractic care is the use of hands-on techniques to adjust the spine and extremities. Chiropractic care is the most common type of chiropractic care and is often recommended for back pain. 


Physical Therapy for Back Pain: 

A treatment like physical therapy for back pain involves physical techniques to improve the body’s functioning. Physical therapy helps to relieve pain and increase the body’s functioning. It is a type of rehabilitation.  

1. Stretching Exercises for Back Pain: 

Stretching exercises are an effective way to reduce pain and improve your range of motion. They are also called “range of motion” exercises. Stretching exercises are an effective way to reduce pain and improve your range of motion. They are also called “range of motion” exercises. Stretching exercises are an effective way to reduce pain and improve your range of motion. 

2. Helps to Improve Muscle Strength: 

Muscle strength is the amount of force that your muscles can produce. When you are experiencing back pain, your muscles may be weak. This can make it difficult to move around. It can also cause you to be more prone to injury.    

3. It Helps to Improve Your Posture: 

Posture is the way that your body is positioned. When you are experiencing back pain, your posture can be affected. This can cause you to have a hunched-over posture. This can make it difficult to move around.    

 4. It Helps to Improve Your Body’s Flexibility: 

Flexibility is the amount of movement that you can make with your body. When you are experiencing back pain, your flexibility can be affected. This can make it difficult to move around.    


Chiropractic care is the best remedy for the spine, lower back, and upper back pain. Choosing efficient Chiropractors has become a challenging job. 

Proremedy Physiotherapy is the trusted Chiropractors that provide experienced and effective services to their customers at the most favorable prices. We also provide one-on-one sessions with  Chiropractors. 

Proremedy Physiotherapy is your PAIN-RELIEVING PARTNER! Book your appointment with us now!

Picture of Physiotherapist Arpan Hundal

Physiotherapist Arpan Hundal

Arpan has been practicing as a physiotherapist since 2010, starting her career in a trauma center in India where she worked with post-traumatic and post-operative cases. She moved to Canada and continued her independent practice, specializing in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic issues, sports injuries, and pelvic health physiotherapy. She has experience dealing with MVA and WSIB clients and has been working in the Mississauga community since 2015.

Picture of Physiotherapist Arpan Hundal

Physiotherapist Arpan Hundal

Arpan has been practicing as a physiotherapist since 2010, starting her career in a trauma center in India where she worked with post-traumatic and post-operative cases. She moved to Canada and continued her independent practice, specializing in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic issues, sports injuries, and pelvic health physiotherapy. She has experience dealing with MVA and WSIB clients and has been working in the Mississauga community since 2015.